13210 Huebner Rd, San Antonio Tx 78230

Take yourself out to dinner at one of the best solo dining restaurants on San Antonio Gino’s Deli | LMT Online

10 restaurants perfect for solo dining in San Antonio

Table for one please. 


By Katherine Stinson, Trending Food Reporter Sep 14, 2024

When’s the last time you took yourself out to dinner? Per a recent OpenTable study, Americans are dining solo now more than ever.

Statistics from the study show that solo diners on average spend 48% more during a dinner out alone. So grab a book, fellow introverts, and join us at these 10 spots perfect for solo dining in San Antonio.

Gino’s Deli 

Texas’ best no frills restaurant on Huebner has a cult following for a reason. With nearly two decades of service in San Antonio, Gino’s Deli is a must for Philly cheesesteak lovers. With an menu full of affordable sandwiches and genuine hospitality, Gino’s is great for a solo dining lunch experience. 

Find it: 13210 Huebner Road, San Antonio, TX 78230